Melksham Without Parish Council
Melksham Without Parish Council
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Council Meetings & Committees

The Melksham Without Parish Council meetings are held at the Council offices on the first floor of the Melksham Community Campus unless otherwise stated.

The next Full Council Meeting is on Monday 29th July 2024
Click here for the agenda

Council Meetings are open to the public and commence at 7.00 p.m.

Please follow the below link for Full Council and Committee Meeting dates:
Full Council and Committee Meeting dates

Please follow the link below to view the minutes:

Committees for 2024/25

Chair and Vice Chair of the Council to be Ex-officio members of all committees:

Chair of Council for 2024/25: Councillor. John Glover
Vice Chair of Council for 2024/25: Councillor. David Pafford

Finance Committee:
Councillors John Glover (Chair), Alan Baines, Richard Wood, David Pafford, Shona Holt, Robert Shea-Simonds (Vice Chair), John Doel.

Planning Committee:
Councillors Richard Wood, John Glover, Alan Baines, Peter Richardson, David Pafford, Mark Harris and Terry Chivers

Staffing & Resources Committee:
Councillors John Glover, Alan Baines (Chair), VACANCY, David Pafford, Robert Shea-Simonds (Vice-Chair), Shona Holt, VACANCY.

Asset Management Committee:
Councillors John Glover, David Pafford, Alan Baines, Terry Chivers, Shona Holt, Martin Franks and Nathan Keates.

Highways and Street Scene Committee:
Councillors John Glover, Alan Baines, Mark Harris, David Pafford, Robert Shea-Simonds, Terry Chivers and Martin Franks.

Community Resilience Working Party:
Councillors John Glover, David Pafford, Nathan Keates, Alan Baines and Peter Richardson

Shurnhold Fields Joint Working Party:
Councillors John Glover, David Pafford and Martin Franks

IT and Data Protection Working Party
Councillors John Glover, Martin Franks, David Pafford, Shona Holt and Mark Harris.

CIL Sharing (MTC) + East of Melksham Community Centre
Councillors John Glover, David Pafford and Alan Baines

Road Safety Working Party
Councillors Mark Harris, Shona Holt, VACANCY, Peter Richardson, Robert Shea-Simonds

From time to time, other committees and working parties are formed to deal with specific topics.

All parish council meetings are recorded and published on YouTube following the meeting. You can access the parish councils YouTube channel by following the link Melksham Without Parish Councils YouTube Channel OR search @melkshamwithoutparishcounc5492 to access our channel.The recordings will be deleted once the minutes have been approved at the next Full Council meeting. You can find the minutes of the meeting once approved on the minutes page.