Briansfield Allotments

We currently have NO Allotment Vacancies on Briansfield
Please contact the office on 01225 705700 or email Marianne at: for more information.
The rental charge for this allotment year (01.10.23 - 30.09.24) is £35 for a 5 perch plot. Non- residents are welcome to apply but will be charged double the resident's rate, therefore £70 for a 5 perch plot.
The list of Allotment letting priority is as follows:
1. Residents of the parish- 1st plot
2. Residents of the parish- 2nd plot
3. Non-Residents of the parish-1st plot
4. Non-Residents of the parish-2nd plot
To download a copy of the Briansfield Allotment Tenancy Agreement please follow the link below (Adobe Acrobat PDF)
To download a copy of our Privacy Notice please follow the link below
To download a copy of our General Data Protection Consent Form for Allotment Tenants
The Briansfield allotments at Berryfields were officially opened on Tuesday the 6th of September 2011.